Tag: Charity

How does training for an event such as a Marathon relate to “normal” Life?

Actually, this should probably be entitled “What connects training for a marathon, your first day at school or just “doing your job” On paper nothing but in reality, everything.

How do you handle disappointment?

How many times have you prepared yourself for something really major maybe, it’s your first time addressing a conference or an exhibition. You have practiced your presentation, your slide show is the dogs doo dahs, you have selected your outfit for the day so you look a million dollars and when your moment comes you will shine and your presentation will be really well received and you will lap up the adulation. Then a week before the event you find that you can’t go ahead because you’ve caught Covid or some other similar virus, I’m certain you would feel gutted

Marathon Training Begins

As I have explained on Sunday 2 October, I will be running the London Marathon the hard way, on my own. However, the training I will need to do, is in reality no different from someone training to be part of the London, or Manchester, or Brighton or any marathon.

Why a Marathon?

The following are questions I am often asked:

Why does a 64 year old man want to take part in a marathon?

Have you ever run a Marathon?

Are you capable of running a Marathon?

How are you training?

What is your nutrition & hydration plan?

Hopefully over the next few posts I will be able to enlighten you.